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SBK Lasik Surgery

SBK creates précised thin flaps to ensure safer and faster vision recovery. The main idea of this treatment is to preserve the integrity of cornea, for those, who are going through LASIK surgery in Jaipur. Best in class elements of flap correction, along with number correction technology, in emerged in the advanced process. Traditional LASIK surgery creates a flap, with the thickness of 130 to 180 microns, while the SBK Flap surgery ensures to introduce thinner flap, with the thickness 90 to 110 microns.

SBK Lasik Surgery in Dehradun


LASIK technology has experienced a line of improvement, advancements and modification, in the time, less than 20 years. These modifications have invented standard LASIK, customized LASIK as well as Advanced Lasik. Surgeons have adopted better technologies, to eliminate the completions of treatment process, and unveiled techniques like, SBK LASIK, Femtosecond Laser and much more, to achieve the treatment convenience. Doctors are left with better space for LASIK correction, after the Thin Flap surgery method is done, as it ensures better corneal strength, with no thick flap.

Conventional Lasik is suggested to the patients, who are not ready to spend a big amount for Thin LASIK. The treatment process for both is almost the same. The only difference remains in the thickness of the flap. Thin Lasik is specially prescribed in cases of such patients, whose corneal thickness is insufficient. Patients can restrain form experiencing the complications of conventional LASIK, like eye dryness, in SBK LASIK.

SBK LASIK, which is actually the combination of Thin Flap Lasik and Advanced Aspheric Lasik, is known to be beneficial for both the eyes. It starts from Rs. 40,000.

SBK Lasik Laser Surgery and its benefits:

  • Corneal Biomechanics, strength & stability maintenance
  • Speedy visual recovery
  • Improved quality of vision
  • lesser complications, few glare, less halos
  • Less cases of eye dryness after operation
  • Less cases of corneal sensitivity loss
  • Patients with higher levels of myopia can avail this
  • Thinner corneas can under Lasik with SBK technology
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